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• Lagom


Working with Lagom

Lagom is an open source framework for building out Reactive microservices. Lagom essentially wires-up your services, freeing you from having to spend time writing lots of "boiler-plate" code. To get more information regarding the framework visit its website @


📦. Prerequisites [ASTRA DB]

📦. Prerequisites [Development Environment]

  • You should install the Java Development Kit (JDK), of at least version 8: Use the reference documentation to install a Java Development Kit.

  • Java 8

  • Java 11
  • Java 17

Validate your installation with:

java --version
mvn -version

Installation and Setup

Building a sample Lagom project

Create a new Maven project in your IDE which uses the maven-archetype-lagom-java archetype. You can also do this from the command line:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.lightbend.lagom \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-lagom-java -DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0

This will create a sample Lagom project with two services: Hello and Stream. The project can be built and run with this command:

mvn lagom:runAll

Note that by default, Lagom will start using embedded Cassandra as its data store, running on localhost:4000. Port 4000 was chosen (instead of 9042) so as not to collide with another instance of Cassandra running locally.

Using with Apache Cassandra

To get Lagom to connect to Cassandra (for local development) there are two places which need changes: Maven's pom.xml and the services' application.conf files.

Inside the pom.xml file, locate the lagom-maven-plugin and make the following adjustments:


That these settings perform two functions: - Disables Lagom's embedded Cassandra, causing it not to start. - Informs Lagom designate Cassandra as an "unmanaged" service, and provides it with the contact point for the cluster/instance.

If your local Cassandra does not use SSL or authentication, then you are finished. But if your local Cassandra does have security enabled, you'll want to make these changes to each of your services' application.conf files:

your-service.cassandra {
    authentication {
        username = "yourUserName"
        password = "yourPassword"
    ssl {
        truststore.path = "/Users/youruser/cassandra/truststore.jks"
        truststore.password = "yourTrustStorePassword"
        keystore.path = "/Users/youruser/cassandra/keystore.jks"
        keystore.password = "yourKeyStorePassword"
    keyspace = your_service

cassandra-journal {
    keyspace = ${your-service.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${your-service.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${your-service.cassandra.ssl}

cassandra-snapshot-store {
    keyspace = ${your-service.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${your-service.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${your-service.cassandra.ssl}
} {
    keyspace = ${your-service.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${your-service.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${your-service.cassandra.ssl}

These settings will allow Lagom to connect to your local Cassandra with authentication and client-to-node SSL. If you're only using auth, simply remove the config lines containing ssl.

Using with DataStax Astra DB

For connecting to DataStax Astra DB, it is similar. You will need to set both authentication and SSL to connect with Astra DB, as well as a few additional properties.

The pom.xml is largely the same, except that you'll need to add your Astra host name here. Note that in "production mode," you should not need to modify this file. But if you're connecting to an Astra DB cluster in "development mode," you'll still need to disable embedded Cassandra and designate the Cassandra service as "unmanaged" with a contact point:


The application.conf service files will require similar modifications:

stream.cassandra {
    contact-points = [""]
    authentication {
        username = "token"
        password = "AstraCS:yourAstraT0ken"
    ssl {
        truststore.path = "/Users/youruser/astradb/trustStore.jks"
        truststore.password = "yourTrustStorePassword"
        keystore.path = "/Users/youruser/stackoverflow/identity.jks"
        keystore.password = "Tte3jRy07ocEf6Z8h"
    session-provider = akka.persistence.cassandra.ConfigSessionProvider
    keyspace = "stream"

cassandra-journal {
    contact-points = ${}
    keyspace = ${stream.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${stream.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${stream.cassandra.ssl}
    session-provider = ${stream.cassandra.session-provider}
    keyspace-autocreate = false
    tables-autocreate = true

cassandra-snapshot-store {
    contact-points = ${}
    keyspace = ${stream.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${stream.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${stream.cassandra.ssl}
    session-provider = ${stream.cassandra.session-provider}
    keyspace-autocreate = false
    tables-autocreate = true
} {
    contact-points = ${}
    keyspace = ${stream.cassandra.keyspace}
    authentication = ${stream.cassandra.authentication}
    ssl = ${stream.cassandra.ssl}
    session-provider = ${stream.cassandra.session-provider}
    keyspace-autocreate = false
    tables-autocreate = true

Note the options for keyspace-autocreate and tables-autocreate are shown set here. By default, these are both set to true. However, Astra DB only permits keyspace creation to happen via the Astra Dashboard. This means that:

  • Keyspaces must be created before connecting a Lagom microservice to Astra DB.
  • Lagom's attempts to create keyspaces will fail (due to a permissions error).
  • Table creation should function appropriately, assuming the required keyspaces already exist.

Last update: 2023-10-13