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‣ Astra CLI


CLI Latest version : 0.4

Astra CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that enables users to interact with and manage the Astra database-as-a-service platform. It provides developers with a streamlined way to create, configure, and manipulate databases, making it easier to integrate Astra into their applications and workflows.

Astra CLI goes beyond basic database management by facilitating the seamless integration of external tools like dsbulk, cqlsh, and pulshar-shell or by providing useful shortcuts like dotenv file generation.

1. Installation

This software has been developed and packaged as a Java application. As such, it can be installed on any machine with a JVM.

But it has also been compiled as native executables with GraalVM and native executables for Linux and osx are available.

1.1. Prerequisites

Setup Datastax Astra DB
  • Create your DataStax Astra account:

Sign Up

  • Create an Astra Token

An astra token acts as your credentials, it holds the different permissions. The scope of a token is the whole organization (tenant) but permissions can be edited to limit usage to a single database.

To create a token, please follow this guide

The Token is in fact three separate strings: a Client ID, a Client Secret and the token proper. You will need some of these strings to access the database, depending on the type of access you plan. Although the Client ID, strictly speaking, is not a secret, you should regard this whole object as a secret and make sure not to share it inadvertently (e.g. committing it to a Git repository) as it grants access to your databases.

  "ClientId": "ROkiiDZdvPOvHRSgoZtyAapp",
  "ClientSecret": "fakedfaked",
Third-party tools Requirements
  • To run the vast majority of the commands you do not need special software but some commands require external tools like dsbulk, cqlsh, or pulsar-shell. If you want to use those commands, you need to install relevant dependencies:
Command Tools Dependencies
db cqlsh cqlsh Python version 3.6+
db load,unload,count dsbulk Java version 8+
streaming pulsar-shell pulsar-shell Java version 8+

1.2. Installation on Linux

Installation or update
  • Installation and update use the same procedure.
curl -Ls "" | bash
  • The CLI is installed in ~/.astra and the binary is in ~/.astra/bin/astra.

  • The ~/.astra/bin folder is added to the PATH environment variable. The folder contains the script allowing bash auto-completion.

  • The configuration of the CLI is stored in ~/.astrarc - It is not lost on updates.

  • Remove folder where the files are installed.
rm -R ~/.astra
  • Remove the configuration file.
rm ~/.astrarc
  • Edit ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zhrc to remove reference to CLI
export ASTRADIR="/Users/<your_user>/.astra/cli"
[[ -s "/Users/<your_user>/.astra/cli/" ]] && source "/Users/<your_user>/.astra/cli/"

1.3. Installation on MAC osx

Installation or update

Homebrew is the recommended solution to manage Astra CLI on osX. It provides convenient ways to install, update, and uninstall. It will install tools required for external components as well like proper Java and python versions.

  • Install with
brew install datastax/astra-cli/astra-cli
  • osx is based on a linux kernel and can run shell scripts. The Linux installation procedure also work on mac machines.

  • Files are installed in /usr/local/Cellar/astra-cli/<version> and linked with a symbolic link to /usr/local/bin/astra.

  • The configuration of the CLI is stored in ~/.astrarc - **It is not lost on updates

  • ⚠ LinuxBrew is not supported: The binary installed by the brew fomulae is a native executable for osx and will not work on Linux. To install on linux please use the Linux installation procedure.

  • Update with
brew upgrade datastax/astra-cli/astra-cli
  • Remove CLI files with:
brew uninstall datastax/astra-cli/astra-cli
  • Remove the configuration file.
rm ~/.astrarc

1.4. Installation on Windows


To install the CLI on Windows you will leverage the WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux. Enable the windows subsystem for Linux option in settings.

  • Go to Start. Search for "Turn Windows features on or off.

  • Check the option Windows Subsystem for Linux.

  • Open a terminal and run the linux command
curl -Ls "" | bash

1.5. Installation with Java

  • Download the latest version of the CLI from the release page. For example for the version 0.4 you can download the file from:

  • Validate that Java 17 is installed.If not, download and install it from Oracle

java -version
  • Unzip the archive in destination folder.

You should find a file called astra-cli.jar. It is a fat jar with all the dependencies.

  • Run the CLI with the following command.
java -jar ./astra-cli.jar
  • You can use all options as suffix on this command.
java -jar ./astra-cli.jar db list --token AstraCS:...

1.6. Docker Image


Prerequisite: you need to have docker installed on your machine. If not, please follow the instructions on docker website

  • Run the CLI with the command docker run and the image clunven/astra-cli.
docker run clunven/astra-cli ?
  • Run a command to a organization: As the container is stateless you need to provide a token as an input
docker run clunven/astra-cli db list --token AstraCS:...
  • You can also mount a volume to store the configuration file.
docker run -v ~/.astrarc:/work/?/.astrarc clunven/astra-cli db list

2. Getting Started

2.1. Setup

Make sur to have astra in your path

After installation you need to open a new terminal for astra to be in your path.

✅ Issue setup command and provide your token as an input. It must start by AstraCS:.... Make sure to have the Organization Administrator role to avoid any permission limitations later on.

astra setup --token <your_token>
Interactive mode

An interactive command astra setup is also available but latest version of the JDK have some issues with the interactive mode. As of today use the command providing your token.

    _____            __                  
/  _  \   _______/  |_____________    
/  /_\  \ /  ___/\   __\_  __ \__  \  
/    |    \\___ \  |  |  |  | \ //__ \_
\____|__  /____  > |__|  |__|  (____  /
\/     \/                   \/

                            Version: 0.5

---      SETUP      ---

$ Enter an Astra token:

✅ Display your local configuration list, validating setup is complete.

astra config list
🖥️ Sample output
| configuration                           |
| default (   |
|             |

You can work with multiple organizations and swap from one to another. Creating and managing extra configurations is covered in Advanced Configuration chapter.

Scope of Astra security tokens

The security tokens are created for an organization only. If you need to work with multiple organizations then multiple tokens are required. You limit the scope of a token to a single database.

2.2. Autocompletion

The cli provides bash autocompletion for bash and zsh shells. Use TAB key twice to get a list of available options.

✅ Autocomplete

astra <TAB> <TAB>
🖥️ Sample output
--no-color  config      db          help        role        setup       shell       user  

2.3. Documentation

The better documentation of the code is the code itself. This page will provide you samples but where you are not sure use the astra help <my_command>

✅ Display main help

astra help
🖥️ Sample output
usage: astra <command> [ <args> ]

Commands are:
    ?           Display this help version
    help        Display help information
    setup       Initialize configuration file
    config      Manage configuration file
    db          Manage databases
    org         Display Organization Info
    role        Manage roles
    streaming   Manage Streaming tenants
    token       Manage tokens
    user        Manage users

See 'astra help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

✅ Display help for a command group astra db

astra help db

✅ Display help for unitary command astra db list

astra help db list
🖥️ Sample output
        astra db list - Display the list of Databases in an organization

        astra db list [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ --config-file <CONFIG_FILE> ] [ --log <LOG_FILE> ]
                [ --no-color ] [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ]
                [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ] [ {-v | --verbose} ]

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --log <LOG_FILE>
            Logs will go in the file plus on console

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

2.4. Important Options

Each commands has some specific parameters but all commands share have the following options.

Name Option Description
verbose -v Make the output more verbose, debug
remove colors --no-color Remove colors, ease parsing and display
json output -o json To ease parsing output can be json
csv output -o csv To ease export output can be CSV
override token --token ... Enforce token for this command
override config --config ... Change section use in ~/.astrarc for the command
override config-file --config-file ... Do not use ~/.astrarc for the command

2.5 Configuration

If you work with multiple organizations, it could be useful to switch from one configuration to another, one token to another. The CLI provides a configuration management solution to handle this use case.

✅ 2.6.a - List available configuration

astra config list

✅ 2.6.b - Create a new section

astra config create dev --token <token_of_org_2>

✅ 2.6.c - Use your section config anywhere

You can use any organization anytime with --config <onfig_name>.

astra user list --config dev

✅ 2.6.d - Select a section as defaul

  • Change the current org
astra config use dev
  • See your new list
astra config list

✅ 1e - Delete a section

You can delete any organization. If you delete the selected organization you will have to pick a new one.

  • Delete you config

    astra config delete dev

  • See the new list

astra config list

3. Astra DB


Some commands can take a while like a DB creation or the creation of a new region and data replication. Default behaviour is to be synchronous and wait until the operation is done. You can change this behaviour by using the option --no-wait

3.1. DB commands glossary

✅ Display available commands for DB

The documentation is the tool itself with the following command:

astra help db
Still, for ease of use here is a glossary of the commands:

Command Purpose
count <DB> Count records in a table
cqlsh <DB> Setup and run cqlsh: interactive, -e and -f all supported
create <DB> Create a database
create-cdc <DB> Create Change Data Capture to Pulsar
create-dotenv <DB> Create environment file .env
create-keyspace <DB> Create a keyspace
create-region <DB> Expand database to a rew region (multi-region)
delete <DB> Delete a database
delete-cdc <DB> Delete a change data capture
delete-keyspace <DB> Delete a keyspace
delete-region <DB> Remove a region from a database
describe <DB> Describe metadata of a database
download-scb <DB> Download the secure connect bundle for database region
get <DB> Describe metadata of a database
get-endpoint-playground <DB> Show the url of graphql playground (non-vector db)
get-endpoint-swagger <DB> Show the url of swagger UI
list List databases in the organization
list-cdc <DB> List Change Data Captures
list-clouds List clouds available to deploy db
list-keyspaces <DB> List keyspaces for a DB
list-regions <DB> List regions (datacenters) for a DB
list-regions-classic List available regions for classic
list-regions-serverless List available regions for serverless
load <DB> Load a CSV into a table
resume <DB> Resume DB that was hibernated
status <DB> Show DB Status
unload <DB> Leverage DSbulk to dump data

3.2. List

✅ 3.2.a - list

To get the list of non-terminated databases in your organization, use the command list in the group db.

astra db list
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                | id                                   | Default Region      | Status         |
| mtg                 | dde308f5-a8b0-474d-afd6-81e5689e3e25 | eu-central-1        | ACTIVE         |
| workshops           | 3ed83de7-d97f-4fb6-bf9f-82e9f7eafa23 | eu-west-1           | ACTIVE         |
| sdk_tests           | 06a9675a-ca62-4cd0-9b94-aefaf395922b | us-east-1           | ACTIVE         |
| test                | 7677a789-bd57-455d-ab2c-a3bdfa35ba68 | eu-central-1        | ACTIVE         |
| demo                | 071d7059-d55b-4cdb-90c6-41c26da1a029 | us-east-1           | ACTIVE         |
| ac201               | 48c7178c-58cb-4657-b3d2-8a9e3cc89461 | us-east-1           | ACTIVE         |

✅ 3.2.b - Get Help

To get help on a command, always prefix with astra help XXX

astra help db list
🖥️ Sample output
        astra db list - Display the list of Databases in an organization

        astra db list [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ --config-file <CONFIG_FILE> ] [ --log <LOG_FILE> ]
                [ --no-color ] [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ]
                [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ] [ {-v | --verbose} ]

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --log <LOG_FILE>
            Logs will go in the file plus on console

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

✅ 3.2.c - Change output

astra db list -o csv
🖥️ Sample output
Name,id,Default Region,Status
astra db list -o json
🖥️ Sample output
    "code" : 0,
    "message" : "astra db list -o json",
    "data" : [ {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "eu-central-1",
      "id" : "dde308f5-a8b0-474d-afd6-81e5689e3e25",
      "Name" : "mtg"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "eu-west-1",
      "id" : "3ed83de7-d97f-4fb6-bf9f-82e9f7eafa23",
      "Name" : "workshops"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "us-east-1",
      "id" : "06a9675a-ca62-4cd0-9b94-aefaf395922b",
      "Name" : "sdk_tests"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "eu-central-1",
      "id" : "7677a789-bd57-455d-ab2c-a3bdfa35ba68",
      "Name" : "test"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "us-east-1",
      "id" : "071d7059-d55b-4cdb-90c6-41c26da1a029",
      "Name" : "demo"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVE",
      "Default Region" : "us-east-1",
      "id" : "48c7178c-58cb-4657-b3d2-8a9e3cc89461",
      "Name" : "ac201"
    } ]

3.3. Create database

✅ 3.3.a - Create Database

If not provided, the region will be the default free region, and the keyspace will be the database name, but you can change them with the -r and -k flags, respectively.

astra db create demo

✅ 3.3.b - Options --if-not-exist and --wait

  • The database name does not ensure unicity (the database id does). As such, if you issue the command multiple times, you will end up with multiple instances. To change this behavior, you can use --if-not-exist

  • Database creation is an asynchronous operation. In some situations, such as during your CI/CD, you will most likely want the db to be ACTIVE before moving forward. The option --wait will trigger a blocking command until the db is ready

  • On the free tier, after a period of inactivity, the database moves to a HIBERNATED state. The creation command will resume the db when needed.

astra db create demo -k ks2 --if-not-exist --wait

✅ 3.3.c - Get help

To show help, enter the following command:

astra help db create
🖥️ Sample output
        astra db create - Create a database with cli

        astra db create [ {-cf | --config-file} <CONFIG_FILE> ]
                [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ {--if-not-exist | --if-not-exists} ]
                [ {-k | --keyspace} <KEYSPACE> ] [ --no-color ]
                [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ] [ {-r | --region} <DB_REGION> ]
                [ --timeout <timeout> ] [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ]
                [ {-v | --verbose} ] [ --wait ] [--] <DB>

        -cf <CONFIG_FILE>, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --if-not-exist, --if-not-exists
            will create a new DB only if none with same name

        -k <KEYSPACE>, --keyspace <KEYSPACE>
            Default keyspace created with the Db

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        -r <DB_REGION>, --region <DB_REGION>
            Cloud provider region to provision

        --timeout <timeout>
            Provide a limit to the wait period in seconds, default is 300s.

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

            Will wait until the database become ACTIVE

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of arguments (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options)

            Database name (not unique)

3.4. Resume database

In the free tier, after 23H of inactivity, your database will be hibernated. To wake up the db, you can use the resume command.

✅ 3.4.a - Resuming

  • Assuming you have an hibernating database.
astra db list
| Name                | id                                   | Default Region      | Status         |
| hemidactylus        | 643c6bb8-2336-4649-97d5-39c33491f5c1 | eu-central-1        | HIBERNATED     |
  • Trigger an explicit resuming with:
astra db resume hemidactylus
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                | id                                   | Default Region      | Status         |
| hemidactylus        | 643c6bb8-2336-4649-97d5-39c33491f5c1 | eu-central-1        | RESUMING       |

And after a few time
| Name                | id                                   | Default Region      | Status         |
| hemidactylus        | 643c6bb8-2336-4649-97d5-39c33491f5c1 | eu-central-1        | ACTIVE         |

3.5. Get database details

✅ 3.5.a. To get general information or details on an entity use the command get.

astra db get demo

In the output, you specially see the list of keyspaces available and the different regions.

🖥️ Sample output
| Attribute              | Value                                   |
| Name                   | demo                                    |
| id                     | 071d7059-d55b-4cdb-90c6-41c26da1a029    |
| Status                 | ACTIVE                                  |
| Default Cloud Provider | AWS                                     |
| Default Region         | us-east-1                               |
| Default Keyspace       | demo                                    |
| Creation Time          | 2022-07-26T15:41:18Z                    |
|                        |                                         |
| Keyspaces              | [0] demo                                |
|                        |                                         |
| Regions                | [0] us-east-1                           |

✅ 3.5.b. To get a special property, you can add the option --key. Multiple keys are available: id, status, cloud, keyspace, keyspaces, region, regions. Notice that the output is raw. This command is expected to be used in scripts

astra db get demo --key id
🖥️ Sample output

✅ 3.5.c. To get database status in a human-readable form, use status command

astra db status demo
🖥️ Sample output
[ INFO ] - Database 'demo' has status 'ACTIVE'

3.6. Delete Database

✅ 3.6.a. To delete a db use the command delete.

astra db delete demo2

3.7. Working with keyspaces

A keyspace is created when you create the database. The default CLI behaviour is to provide the same values for keyspace and database names. You can also define your own keyspace name with the flag -k.

✅ 3.7.a. Create new keyspace

  • To add a keyspace ks2 to an existing database demo use the following. The option --if-not-exist is optional but could help you provide idempotent scripts.
astra db create-keyspace demo -k ks2 --if-not-exist
  • If the database is not found, you will get a warning message and a dedicated code returned. To see your new keyspace, you can display your database details.
astra db list-keyspaces demo

✅ 3.7.b Get help

astra help db create-keyspace

3.8. Cqlsh

Cqlsh is a standalone shell to work with Apache Cassandra™. It is compliant with Astra but requires a few extra steps of configuration. The purpose of the CLI is to integrate with cqlsh and do the integration for you.

Astra CLI will download, install, setup and wrap cqlsh for you to interact with Astra.

✅ 3.8.a - Interactive

If no options are provided, you enter cqlsh interactive mode

astra db cqlsh demo
🖥️ Sample output
Cqlsh is starting please wait for connection establishment...
Connected to cndb at
[cqlsh 6.8.0 | Cassandra | CQL spec 3.4.5 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.

✅ 3.8.b - Execute CQL

To execute CQL Statements with cqlsh use the flag -e.

astra db cqlsh demo -e "describe keyspaces;"

✅ 3.8.c - Execute CQL Files

To execute CQL Files with cqlsh use the flag -f. You could also use the CQL syntax SOURCE.

astra db cqlsh demo -f sample.cql

3.9. Load and Unload

✅ 3.9.a - Setup

DSBulk stands for DataStax Bulk Loader. It is a standalone program to load, unload, and count data in an efficient way with Apache Cassandra™. It is compliant with DataStax Astra DB.

Similar to cqlsh the CLI will download, install, setup and wrap the dsbulk command for you. All options are available. To give you an idea, let's take a simple example.

  • Make sure we have a db demo with a keyspace demo
astra db create demo
  • Looking at a dataset of cities in the world. cities.csv. We can show here the first lines of the file.
  • Let's create a table to store those values. Connect to CQLSH
astra db cqlsh demo -k demo
  • Create the table
CREATE TABLE cities_by_country (
 country_name text,
 name       text,
 id         int,
 state_id   text,
 state_code text,
 state_name text,
 country_id text,
 country_code text,
 latitude double,
 longitude double,
 wikiDataId text,
 PRIMARY KEY ((country_name), name)

describe table cities_by_country;


✅ 3.9.b - Load Data

astra db load demo \
  -url \
  -k demo \
  -t cities_by_country \
  --schema.allowMissingFields true

The first time the line DSBulk is starting please wait can take a few seconds to appear. The reason is that the CLI is downloading dsbulk if it was not downloaded before.

🖥️ Sample output
DSBulk is starting please wait ...
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided and selected operation performs writes: changing default consistency level to LOCAL_QUORUM.
Operation directory: /Users/cedricklunven/Downloads/logs/LOAD_20220823-182343-074618
Setting executor.maxPerSecond not set when connecting to DataStax Astra: applying a limit of 9,000 ops/second based on the number of coordinators (3).
If your Astra database has higher limits, please define executor.maxPerSecond explicitly.
  total | failed | rows/s |  p50ms |  p99ms | p999ms | batches
148,266 |      0 |  8,361 | 663.86 | 767.56 | 817.89 |   30.91
Operation LOAD_20220823-182343-074618 completed successfully in 17 seconds.
Last processed positions can be found in positions.txt

✅ 3.9.c - Count

Check that the data has been imported with cqlsh.

astra db cqlsh demo -e "select * from demo.cities_by_country LIMIT 20;"
🖥️ Sample output
Cqlsh is starting please wait for connection establishment...

country_name | name                | country_code | country_id | id   | latitude | longitude | state_code | state_id | state_name          | wikidataid
  Bangladesh |             Azimpur |           BD |         19 | 8454 |  23.7298 |   90.3854 |         13 |      771 |      Dhaka District |       null
  Bangladesh |           Badarganj |           BD |         19 | 8455 | 25.67419 |  89.05377 |         55 |      759 |    Rangpur District |       null
  Bangladesh |            Bagerhat |           BD |         19 | 8456 |     22.4 |     89.75 |         27 |      811 |     Khulna District |       null
  Bangladesh |           Bandarban |           BD |         19 | 8457 |       22 |  92.33333 |          B |      803 | Chittagong Division |       null
  Bangladesh |          Baniachang |           BD |         19 | 8458 | 24.51863 |  91.35787 |         60 |      767 |     Sylhet District |       null
  Bangladesh |             Barguna |           BD |         19 | 8459 | 22.13333 |  90.13333 |         06 |      818 |    Barisal District |       null
  Bangladesh |             Barisal |           BD |         19 | 8460 |     22.8 |      90.5 |         06 |      818 |    Barisal District |       null
  Bangladesh |                Bera |           BD |         19 | 8462 | 24.07821 |  89.63262 |         54 |      813 |   Rajshahi District |       null
  Bangladesh |       Bhairab Bāzār |           BD |         19 | 8463 |  24.0524 |   90.9764 |         13 |      771 |      Dhaka District |       null
  Bangladesh |           Bherāmāra |           BD |         19 | 8464 | 24.02452 |  88.99234 |         27 |      811 |     Khulna District |       null
  Bangladesh |               Bhola |           BD |         19 | 8465 | 22.36667 |  90.81667 |         06 |      818 |    Barisal District |       null
  Bangladesh |           Bhāndāria |           BD |         19 | 8466 | 22.48898 |  90.06273 |         06 |      818 |    Barisal District |       null
  Bangladesh | Bhātpāra Abhaynagar |           BD |         19 | 8467 | 23.01472 |  89.43936 |         27 |      811 |     Khulna District |       null
  Bangladesh |           Bibir Hat |           BD |         19 | 8468 | 22.68347 |  91.79058 |          B |      803 | Chittagong Division |       null
  Bangladesh |               Bogra |           BD |         19 | 8469 | 24.78333 |     89.35 |         54 |      813 |   Rajshahi District |       null
  Bangladesh |        Brahmanbaria |           BD |         19 | 8470 | 23.98333 |  91.16667 |          B |      803 | Chittagong Division |       null
  Bangladesh |         Burhānuddin |           BD |         19 | 8471 | 22.49518 |  90.72391 |         06 |      818 |    Barisal District |       null
  Bangladesh |            Bājitpur |           BD |         19 | 8472 | 24.21623 |  90.95002 |         13 |      771 |      Dhaka District |       null
  Bangladesh |            Chandpur |           BD |         19 | 8474 |    23.25 |  90.83333 |          B |      803 | Chittagong Division |       null
  Bangladesh |    Chapai Nababganj |           BD |         19 | 8475 | 24.68333 |     88.25 |         54 |      813 |   Rajshahi District |       null
  • Count with ds bulkd
astra db count demo -k demo -t cities_by_country
🖥️ Sample output
DSBulk is starting please wait ...
[INFO ] - RUNNING: /Users/cedricklunven/.astra/dsbulk-1.9.1/bin/dsbulk count -k demo -t cities_by_country -u token -p AstraCS:gdZaqzmFZszaBTOlLgeecuPs:edd25600df1c01506f5388340f138f277cece2c93cb70f4b5fa386490daa5d44 -b /Users/cedricklunven/.astra/scb/
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
Operation directory: /Users/cedricklunven/Downloads/logs/COUNT_20220823-182833-197954
  total | failed | rows/s |  p50ms |  p99ms | p999ms
134,574 |      0 | 43,307 | 315.71 | 457.18 | 457.18

✅ 3.9.d - Unload Data

astra db unload demo -k demo -t cities_by_country -url /tmp/unload
🖥️ Sample output
DSBulk is starting please wait ...
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
Operation directory: /Users/cedricklunven/Downloads/logs/UNLOAD_20220823-183054-208353
  total | failed | rows/s |  p50ms |    p99ms |   p999ms
134,574 |      0 | 14,103 | 927.51 | 1,853.88 | 1,853.88
Operation UNLOAD_20220823-183054-208353 completed successfully in 9 seconds.

3.10. Download Secure bundle

✅ 3.10.a - Default values

Download the different secure bundles (one per region) with the pattern scb_${dbid}-${dbregion}.zip in a current folder.

mkdir db-demo
cd db-demo
astra db download-scb demo

✅ 3.10.b - Download in target folder

Download the different secure bundles (one per region) with the pattern scb_${dbid}-${dbregion}.zip in the folder provided with option -d (--output-director).

astra db download-scb demo -d /tmp

✅ 3.10.c - Download in target folder

Provide the target filename with -f (--output-file). It will work only if you have a SINGLE REGION for your database (or you will have to use the flag -d)

astra db download-scb demo -f /tmp/

3.11. Create .env file

To code your application against Astra, a set of metadata could be handy like the database name, database region, url of the APIs....

This command will create a file .env with a set of variables that are relevant to be defined as environment variables

astra db create-dotenv -f /tmp/.env
🖥️ Sample output

3.12. List Regions

For database creation or regions management, the region name is expected. Depending on the cloud provider needed or even the Astra service, the region names are not exactly the same.

With Astra CLI, one can list every available regions per service.

✅ 3.12.a - List Serverless regions

astra db list-regions-serverless -c aws
🖥️ Sample output
| Cloud Provider | Region              | Full Name                     |
| aws            | ap-east-1           | Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)      |
| aws            | ap-south-1          | Asia Pacific (Mumbai)         |
| aws            | ap-southeast-1      | Asia Pacific (Singapore)      |
| aws            | ap-southeast-2      | Asia Pacific (Sydney)         |
| aws            | eu-central-1        | Europe (Frankfurt)            |
| aws            | eu-west-1           | Europe (Ireland)              |
| aws            | sa-east-1           | South America (Sao Paulo)     |
| aws            | us-east-1           | US East (N. Virginia)         |
| aws            | us-east-2           | US East (Ohio)                |
| aws            | us-west-2           | US West (Oregon)              |
  • -c or --cloud allows to select a cloud provider, the 3 accepted values will be aws, gcp and azure
  • -f or --filter allows to look for either a location of region (eg. -f France, -f us
  • -o or --output to change output from table (human) to csv or json
  • -v for verbose mode
  • -t to provide token of organization if not default selected

✅ 3.12.b - List Serverless regions

astra db list-regions-classic

4. Astra DB Vector

4.1. Shared Commands

Most of the commands are shared with Astra DB, AstraDB vector is a specialization with the support of type to use cassandra as a vector database

4.1.a - List Databases

The list command now returns a columns V checked if the database is a AstraDB Vector db

astra db list
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                      | id                                   | Regions   | Cloud | V | Status       |
| workshop_rag              | 92fb9ab9-7121-4694-b1b9-32f742286509 | us-east1  | gcp   | ■ | ACTIVE       |
| test_java_astra_db_client | 37e6cc3c-b114-44f3-8153-b722d1c873db | us-east1  | gcp   | ■ | ACTIVE       |
| demo                      | d3b5d71c-3960-46b6-8054-7ce5816ffeef | us-east1  | gcp   |   | INITIALIZING |
  • The list command now returns a columns V checked if the database is a AstraDB Vector db

  • A flag --vector filter the list to only display vector databases.

astra db list --vector
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                      | id                                   | Regions   | Cloud | V | Status       |
| workshop_rag              | 92fb9ab9-7121-4694-b1b9-32f742286509 | us-east1  | gcp   | ■ | ACTIVE       |
| test_java_astra_db_client | 37e6cc3c-b114-44f3-8153-b722d1c873db | us-east1  | gcp   | ■ | ACTIVE       |

4.1.b - Create Database

Create Database is a reuse of the db create command for AstraDB but the flag --vector is added to specify the type of database.

astra db create sample --vector
🖥️ Sample output
astra db create sample --vector
[INFO]  Database 'sample' does not exist. Creating database 'sample' with keyspace 'default_keyspace'
get CLoud provider
[INFO]  Enabling vector search for database sample
[INFO]  Database 'sample' and keyspace 'default_keyspace' are being created.
[INFO]  Database 'sample' has status 'PENDING' waiting to be 'ACTIVE' ...
[INFO]  Database 'sample' has status 'ACTIVE' (took 113658 millis)
[OK]    Database 'sample' is ready.

4.1.c - List Keyspaces/Namespaces

With AstraDB Vector keyspaces are renamed namespaces but it is the same entity. When nothing is specified, the default namespace is default_keyspace.

  • List keyspaces
astra db list-keyspaces workshop_rag
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                       |
| default_keyspace (default) |

4.1.d - Create Keyspace

Create a keyspace/namespaces with the command create-keyspace. The flag -k is used to specify the name of the keyspace.

astra db create-keyspace workshop_rag -k ks2

4.1.e - Delete Keyspace

Delete a keyspace/namespaces with the command delete-keyspace. The flag -k is used to specify the name of the keyspace.

astra db delete-keyspace workshop_rag -k ks2

4.2. List vector regions

Astra provides a lot of regions to deploy your database. The vector enabled db can be deployed on a subset of them. The command list-regions-vector will provide the list of regions available for AstraDB Vector.

astra db list-regions-vector
🖥️ Sample output
| Cloud Provider  | Region              | Full Name                     |
| aws             | ap-south-1          | Asia Pacific (Mumbai)         |
| aws             | eu-west-1           | Europe (Ireland)              |
| aws             | us-east-1           | US East (N. Virginia)         |
| aws             | us-east-2           | US East (Ohio)                |
| azure           | centralindia        | Central India (Pune)          |
| azure           | westus3             | US West 3                     |
| gcp (free-tier) | us-east1            | Moncks Corner, South Carolina |

4.3. Working with Collections

✅ 4.3.a. List Collections

astra db list-collections workshop_rag
🖥️ Sample output
| Name                | Dimension | Metric    |
| my_store            | 1536      | cosine    |

✅ 4.3.b. Create a collection

To create a collection, you need to specify the name of the collection. - By adding a dimension you add a vector field - The vector field required is metric, if not provided cosine is pick.

Options to allow or deny index fields are not supported by the CLI

        astra db create-collection - Create a new collection

        astra db create-collection {-c | --collection} <COLLECTION>
                [ {-cf | --config-file} <CONFIG_FILE> ]
                [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ {-d | --dimension} <DIMENSION> ] [ --env <Environment> ]
                [ {-m | --metric} <METRIC> ] [ --no-color ]
                [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ] [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ]
                [ {-v | --verbose} ] [--] <DB>

        -c <COLLECTION>, --collection <COLLECTION>
            Name of the collection to create

        -cf <CONFIG_FILE>, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        -d <DIMENSION>, --dimension <DIMENSION>
            Name of the collection to create

        --env <Environment>
            Astra Environment to use

        -m <METRIC>, --metric <METRIC>
            Name of the collection to create

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of arguments (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options)

            Database name (if unique) or Database identifier

Here are 3 sample commands:

astra db create-collection workshop_rag \
  --collection collection_simple

astra db create-collection workshop_rag \
  --collection collection_vector_openai \
  -d 1536 -m cosine

astra db create-collection workshop_rag \
  --collection collection_vector_vertexai \
  -d 768

will end up with 3 collections

🖥️ Sample output
| Name                       | Dimension | Metric    |
| collection_simple          |           |           |
| collection_vector_openai   | 1536      | cosine    |
| collection_vector_vertexai | 768       | cosine    |

✅ 4.3.c. Delete a collection

  • To delete an existing collection use delete-collection:
astra db delete-collection workshop_rag --collection collection_vector_vertexai


5.1. List tenants

✅ 5.1.a - list

To get the list of tenants in your organization, use the command list in the group streaming.

astra streaming list
🖥️ Sample output
| name                | cloud     | region         | Status         |
| cedrick-20220910    | aws       | useast2        | active         |
| trollsquad-2022     | aws       | useast2        | active         |

✅ 5.1.b - Change output as csv amd json

astra streaming list -o csv
🖥️ Sample output
astra streaming list -o json
🖥️ Sample output
"code" : 0,
"message" : "astra streaming list -o json",
"data" : [ {
    "cloud" : "aws",
    "Status" : "active",
    "name" : "cedrick-20220910",
    "region" : "useast2"
}, {
    "cloud" : "aws",
    "Status" : "active",
    "name" : "trollsquad-2022",
    "region" : "useast2"
} ]

5.2. Create tenant

✅ 4.2.a - Check tenant existence with exist

The tenant name needs to be unique for the cluster (Cloud provider / region). It may be useful to check if the name is already in use by somebody else.

astra streaming exist new_tenant_from_cli
🖥️ Sample output
[ INFO ] - Tenant 'new_tenant_from_cli' does not exist.

✅ 5.2.b - Create tenant

To create a tenant with default cloud (aws), default region (useast2), plan (free) and namespace (default):

astra streaming create new_tenant_from_cli

To view all supported options, please use:

astra help streaming create

5.3. Get tenant details

✅ 5.3.a - To get i nformation or details on an entity use the command get.

astra streaming get trollsquad-2022

The pulsar token is not displayed in this view as it is too long, but there are dedicated commands to display it.

🖥️ Sample output
| Attribute        | Value                                                       |
| Name             | trollsquad-2022                                             |
| Status           | active                                                      |
| Cloud Provider   | aws                                                         |
| Cloud region     | useast2                                                     |
| Cluster Name     | pulsar-aws-useast2                                          |
| Pulsar Version   | 2.10                                                        |
| Jvm Version      | JDK11                                                       |
| Plan             | payg                                                        |
| WebServiceUrl    |       |
| BrokerServiceUrl | pulsar+ssl:// |
| WebSocketUrl     | wss://  |

✅ 5.3.b. To get a special property you can add the option --key. Multiple keys are available: status, cloud, pulsar_token. Notice that the output is raw. This command is expected to be used in scripts

astra streaming get trollsquad-2022 --key cloud
🖥️ Sample output

✅ 5.3.c. To get tenant pulsar-token please use pulsar-token command

astra streaming pulsar-token trollsquad-2022
🖥️ Sample output

✅ 5.3.d. To get tenant status in a human readble for use status command

astra streaming status trollsquad-2022
🖥️ Sample output
[ INFO ] - Tenant 'trollsquad-2022' has status 'active'

5.4. Delete Tenant

✅ 5.4.a. To delete a tenant simply use the command delete

astra streaming delete trollsquad

5.5. Pulsar-Shell

Pulsar-Shell is a standalone shell to work with Apache Pulsar. It is compliant with Astra but requires a few extra steps of configuration. The purpose of the CLI is to integrate with pulsar-shell and do the integration and setup for you.

Astra CLI will download, install, setup and wrap pulsar-shell for you to interact with Astra.

✅ 5.5.a - Interactive mode

If no options are provided, you enter pulsar-shell interactive mode

astra streaming pulsar-shell trollsquad-2022
🖥️ Sample output
Pulsar-shell is starting please wait for connection establishment...
Using directory: /Users/cedricklunven/.pulsar-shell
Welcome to Pulsar shell!
    Service URL: pulsar+ssl://
    Admin URL:

Type help to get started or try the autocompletion (TAB button).
Type exit or quit to end the shell session.


You can quit with exit.

✅ 5.5.b - Execute Pulsar Shell command

To execute command with pushar-shell use the flag -e.

astra streaming pulsar-shell trollsquad-2022 -e "admin namespaces list trollsquad-2022"
🖥️ Sample output
Pulsar-shell is starting please wait for connection establishment...
Using directory: /Users/cedricklunven/.pulsar-shell
[1/1] Executing admin namespaces list trollsquad-2022
[1/1] ✔ admin namespaces list trollsquad-2022

✅ 5.5.c - Execute Pulsar Shell files

To execute CQL Files with pushar-shell use the flag -e.

astra streaming pulsar-shell trollsquad-2022 -f create_topics.txt

5.6. Pulsar-client and Admin

Pulsar client and admin are provided within pulsar-shell. This section simply provides some examples to write and read in a topic with a client.

✅ 5.6.a - Create a topic demo.

  • First start the pulsar-shell on 2 different terminals
astra streaming pulsar-shell trollsquad-2022
  • Then on first terminal create a topic demo in the namespace default
admin topics create persistent://trollsquad-2022/default/demo
  • You can now list the different topics in the namespace default
admin topics list trollsquad-2022/default
🖥️ Sample output
  • Start a consumer on this topic
client consume persistent://trollsquad-2022/default/demo -s astra_cli_tuto -n 0
🖥️ Sample output
.. init ...
83 -]] Connected to server
2022-09-12T12:28:34,869+0200 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx - [id: 0xc5ce3ec4, L:/ -] Connected through proxy to target broker at
2022-09-12T12:28:35,460+0200 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl - [persistent://trollsquad-2022/default/demo][astra_cli_tuto] Subscribing to topic on cnx [id: 0xc5ce3ec4, L:/ -], consumerId 0
2022-09-12T12:28:35,645+0200 [pulsar-client-io-1-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl - [persistent://trollsquad-2022/default/demo][astra_cli_tuto] Subscribed to topic on -- consumer: 0
  • On the second terminal you can now start a producer
client produce persistent://trollsquad-2022/default/demo -m "hello,world" -n 20 
🖥️ Sample output
2022-09-12T12:36:28,684+0200 [pulsar-client-io-14-1] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx - [id: 0x682890b5, L:/ !] Disconnected
2022-09-12T12:36:30,756+0200 [main] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.client.cli.PulsarClientTool - 40 messages successfully produced

And on the client side
key:[null], properties:[], content:world
----- got message -----
key:[null], properties:[], content:hello

5.7. List Regions

astra streaming list-regions
  • -c or --cloud allows to select a cloud provider, the 3 accepted values will be aws, gcp and azure
  • -f or --filter allows to look for either a location of region (eg. -f France, -f us
  • -o or --output to change output from table (human) to csv or json
  • -v for verbose mode
  • -t to provide token of organization if not default selected

5.8. Create .env file

astra streaming create-dot-env <tenant> [-d <destination_folder>]

5.9. Change Data Capture

  • Create a DB
astra db create demo_cdc --if-not-exist
  • Create a tenant in same region
astra streaming create clun-demo-cdc --cloud gcp --region useast1 --if-not-exist
  • Creating a table for the test
astra db cqlsh demo_cdc -k demo_cdc
  • And insert
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo (foo text PRIMARY KEY, bar text);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table2 (foo text PRIMARY KEY, bar text);
INSERT INTO demo(foo,bar) VALUES('1','item1');
INSERT INTO demo(foo,bar) VALUES('1','item2');
  • Create CDC
astra db create-cdc demo_cdc \
  -k demo_cdc \
  --table demo \ 
  --tenant clun-demo-cdc
  • List CDC (from Streaming)
astra streaming list-cdc clun-demo-cdc
  • List CDC (from DB)
astra db list-cdc demo_cdc

6. User and Roles

6.1. List users

astra user list
🖥️ Sample output
| User Id                              | User Email                  | Status              |
| b665658a-ae6a-4f30-a740-2342a7fb469c | | active              |

6.2. Invite User

astra user invite

Check the list of users and notice the new user invited.

astra user list
🖥️ Sample output
| User Id                              | User Email                  | Status              |
| 825bd3d3-82ae-404b-9aad-bbb4c53da315 |    | invited             |
| b665658a-ae6a-4f30-a740-2342a7fb469c | | active              |

6.3. Revoke User

astra user delete
🖥️ Sample output
| User Id                              | User Email                  | Status              |
| b665658a-ae6a-4f30-a740-2342a7fb469c | | active              |

6.4. List roles

astra role list

6.5. Get role infos

astra role get "Database Administrator"

Last update: 2024-02-15