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• FastAPI

FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production. FastAPI is a modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. FastAPI strives to minimize boilerplate and maximize performance.

To get more information regarding the framework visit the reference website

1. Overview

This guide, and the accompanying sample code, highlight the practices and the patterns to best integrate FastAPI with Astra DB to use the latter as backing storage.

Two important choices are made in the following:

  • Astra DB is accessed with the Python driver;
  • no Object Mappers are used, just plain simple CQL statements.

2. FastAPI and Astra DB

The goal is to provide access to one or more tables stored in Astra DB to the FastAPI endpoint functions, so that the API can write data to them and read from them. This should be done keeping in mind the best practices for using the Cassandra drivers, and in as flexible and concise way as possible.


Virtually every endpoint needs access to the database. On the other hand, the driver's cassandra.cluster.Session is a stateful, resource-intensive object that should be created once and re-used throughout the life cycle of the Python process.

For this reason (file storage/ in the sample app) there is a get_session() function that keeps a globally-cached session object and returns it any time it is called, in a singleton fashion. On its first invocation, of course, the session is created in the idiomatic way, looking for the necessary connection parameters from a .env file. This file contains secrets, so it should never be checked in to version control.

Note. If the application runs on regular Cassandra (as opposed to Astra DB), this is the only part of the code that would change: the parameters for instantiating the Cluster and the Session would differ slightly.

Since it is a good practice to explicitly free resources once we're done, in this module there's also a shutdown hook that takes care of cleanup by closing the session and shutting down the Cluster object. (which for a FastAPI application that runs indefinitely is a bit of a moot point, but still illustrates the point).

Endpoint dependencies

Next comes the task of making the session object available to the function endpoints: these will need to retrieve rows and/or write them, after all.

Taking advantage of FastAPI's advanced dependency injection facilities, one can add a Depends parameter to the endpoint functions, which will be automatically resolved when the function gets executed. This makes the session available to the function:

async def get_animals(genus, session=Depends(g_get_session)):
    # etc, etc ...

The argument of Depends is a function itself, more precisely an async generator, which must yield the session object. For this reason there is a thin wrapper function that, in practice, promotes the ordinary function get_session to a generator with the desired signature:

async def g_get_session():
    yield get_session()

At this point, FastAPI takes care of the wiring. What is still missing is the business logic itself, i.e. what happens within the endpoint functions.

Prepared statements

It is a good practice to keep the code in the endpoint function short and not to embed much logic into it, except for the handling of the request-response cycle itself.

For this reason, each endpoint function in turn invokes a function in the storage/ module, which is where the actual database operations are executed.

In this module another important observation is in order: since it is expected that the API endpoints will be called many times, the corrsponding CQL statements are made into "prepared statements" once and then re-used over and over.

To achieve that, the module holds a cache of prepared statements, one per different type of database query. This cache (prepared_cache) is filled on the first invocation of each endpoint, but after that there is a sizable gain in performance and reduction of overhead for all subsequent calls.

Streaming a large response from DB

In some cases, an API endpoint may return a large response (such as a GET returning a long list of items). It might be unwieldy, and suboptimal, to retrieve the full list at API level and then prepare a whole response string to return to the caller.

Ideally, one would like to start sending out the response as the data keeps coming in (to the API) from the database. This is exactly what StreamingResponse makes possible.

The Cassandra driver handles pagination of large result sets transparently: regardless of the grouping of rows into pages, at the Python-code level all you see is a homogeneous iterable over all rows. This means that one can simply make the corresponding data-retrieval function a generator almost with no changes in the code.

Things get slightly more tricky on the other side, that is, between the endpoint function and the caller. Fortunately, FastAPI offers the StreamingResponse construct that makes it possible to "consume" a generator and return its components as a "Chunked" type of response. The client will still receive a full response (and will be able to start processing it once it is there in full), but never throughout the live of the request will there be "the full thing" on the API side.

But beware: in this case, the endpoint function will need to manually construct "pieces of a syntactically valid JSON". In the sample app, this is achieved by a format_streaming_response function which takes care of the opening/closing square brackets for a list and of the correct placement of the commas. In practice, this function makes a generator over homogeneous items into a generator returning something like (row-by-row; note the commas):

1.     [
2.     {"a": 1, "b": 100}
3.     ,{"a": 2, "b": 200}
4.     ,{"a": 3, "b": 300}
5.     ,{"a": 4, "b": 400}
6.     ]

3. Reference application

You can clone the reference application coming with this page and run it in minutes, provided you have an Astra DB instance (click here to create one).

The setup instructions are outlined below: for more details, refer to the repo's README.


An Astra DB instance, with corresponding Token and Secure connect bundle, are required to run this app: make sure you have them at your disposal.

Once you cloned the repository, create the .env file with the required secrets and (preferrably in a Python virtual environment) install all dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

In order to populate the database (table creation and insertion of sample rows), you should run once the script python storage/ You are now ready to run the API.

Run sample app

Running the API is as simple as

uvicorn api:app

You can now issue requests to it. Look in the repo's README for example requests, testing all provided endpoints, as curl commands (of course you can use any tool you like, such as Postman, to achieve the same effect).


Last update: 2022-08-23