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Github Actions


GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository, or deploy merged pull requests to production.

GitHub Actions goes beyond just DevOps and lets you run workflows when other events happen in your repository. For example, you can run a workflow to automatically add the appropriate labels whenever someone creates a new issue in your repository.

GitHub provides Linux, Windows, and macOS virtual machines to run your workflows, or you can host your own self-hosted runners in your own data center or cloud infrastructure.

Reference documentation:


  • Create an Astra Database. In the following example, a keyspace called demo is created in the demo database.
  • Create an Astra Token. You should have received your token while creating the database in the previous step.
  • Have a GitHub account and a repository in it.

GitHub Repository Configuration


Getting started is simple. Ask GitHub for an ubuntu environment, install the Astra CLI, and use the CLI to create a database.

Create a secret for token

  1. Open your github Repository and locate the tabs Settings
  2. On the left menu locate `Secrets and variables` and expand to list different options. Click on Actions
  3. Click on the [New Repository Secret] on the top right hand corner
  4. Enter the new secret name ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN and provide the value for your secret
  5. The Secret should now be visible in your secret list

Create a new action

  • Create a new folder in your github repository .github/actions

  • Create a new Yaml file and name it as you like here i use cli-db-create

  • Populate the file as follows
name: Astra Cli Sample
      - main
      ASTRA_DB_NAME: demo
      TERM: linux
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Install Astra CLI
        run: curl -Ls "" | bash

      - name: Create DB
        run: |
          echo $ASTRA_DB_NAME
          /home/runner/.astra/cli/astra db create $ASTRA_DB_NAME -k $ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE --token $ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN --if-not-exists 

Information Regarding the variables

ASTRA_DB_NAME: The name of your database. ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE: The keyspace (if not provided defaulting to same name as db). ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN: The secret we defined before.

Run the action

With the configuration above the CLI is triggered at each commit. As we provided the options --if-not-exists in the command line, it is not harmful.

  • Locate the tab ACTIONS in your github repository and select the last execution

  • You will get the following output

Here is a sample repository you can use as a reference.

What's NEXT ?

If you are not familiar with the CLI all available commands are available in the documentation or in the help of the tools.

$> astra help db create

        astra db create - Create a database with cli

        astra db create [ --async ] [ {-cf | --config-file} <CONFIG_FILE> ]
                [ {-conf | --config} <CONFIG_SECTION> ]
                [ {--if-not-exist | --if-not-exists} ]
                [ {-k | --keyspace} <KEYSPACE> ] [ --no-color ]
                [ {-o | --output} <FORMAT> ] [ {-r | --region} <DB_REGION> ]
                [ --timeout <timeout> ] [ --token <AUTH_TOKEN> ]
                [ {-v | --verbose} ] [ --wait ] [--] <DB>

            Will not wait for the resource to become available

        -cf <CONFIG_FILE>, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
            Configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        -conf <CONFIG_SECTION>, --config <CONFIG_SECTION>
            Section in configuration file (default = ~/.astrarc)

        --if-not-exist, --if-not-exists
            will create a new DB only if none with same name

        -k <KEYSPACE>, --keyspace <KEYSPACE>
            Default keyspace created with the Db

            Remove all colors in output

        -o <FORMAT>, --output <FORMAT>
            Output format, valid values are: human,json,csv

        -r <DB_REGION>, --region <DB_REGION>
            Cloud provider region to provision

        --timeout <timeout>
            Provide a limit to the wait period in seconds, default is 300s.

        --token <AUTH_TOKEN>
            Key to use authenticate each call.

        -v, --verbose
            Verbose mode with log in console

            Will wait until the database become ACTIVE

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of arguments (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options)

            Database name (not unique)

Last update: 2023-10-13