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Stargate is a data gateway (Proxy) on top of Apache Cassandra which exposes new interfaces to simplify integration in your applications. It is a way to create stateless components and ease the integration through one of four different HTTP Apis (rest, doc, graphQL, gRPC). In this chapter we will cover integration with REST Apis also called DATA in the swagger specifications.

To know more regarding this interface specially you can have a look to dedicated section of the wiki or reference Stargate Rest Api Quick Start Guide.

⚠️ We recommend using version V2 (with V2 in the URL) as it covers more features and V1 will be deprecated eventually.




  • List keyspaces

private static void listKeyspaces(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String apiRestEndpoint)
throws Exception {
 // Build Request
 HttpGet listKeyspacesReq = new HttpGet(apiRestEndpoint + "/v2/schemas/keyspaces");
 listKeyspacesReq.addHeader("X-Cassandra-Token", ASTRA_TOKEN);

 // Execute Request
 try(CloseableHttpResponse res = httpClient.execute(listKeyspacesReq)) {
   if (200 == res.getCode()) {"[OK] Keyspaces list retrieved");"Returned message: {}", EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
  • Create a Table

Query used is createTableJson here:

  "name": "users",
  "columnDefinitions": [
      "name": "firstname",
      "typeDefinition": "text"
      "name": "lastname",
      "typeDefinition": "text"
      "name": "email",
      "typeDefinition": "text"
      "name": "color",
      "typeDefinition": "text"
  "primaryKey": {
    "partitionKey": ["firstname"],
    "clusteringKey": ["lastname"]
  "tableOptions": {
    "defaultTimeToLive": 0,
    "clusteringExpression": [{ "column": "lastname", "order": "ASC" }]

Create Table code

private static void createTable(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String apiRestEndpoint)
throws Exception {
  HttpPost createTableReq = new HttpPost(apiRestEndpoint
       + "/v2/schemas/keyspaces/" + ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE + "/tables");
  createTableReq.addHeader("X-Cassandra-Token", ASTRA_TOKEN);
  String createTableJson = "{...JSON.....}";
  createTableReq.setEntity(new StringEntity(createTableJson, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));

  // Execute Request
  try(CloseableHttpResponse res = httpClient.execute(createTableReq)) {
    if (201 == res.getCode()) {"[OK] Table Created (if needed)");"Returned message: {}", EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
  • Insert a Row

private static void insertRow(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String apiRestEndpoint)
throws Exception {
  HttpPost insertCedrick = new HttpPost(apiRestEndpoint + "/v2/keyspaces/"
   + ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE + "/users" );
  insertCedrick.addHeader("X-Cassandra-Token", ASTRA_TOKEN);
  insertCedrick.setEntity(new StringEntity("{"
    + " \"firstname\": \"Cedrick\","
    + " \"lastname\" : \"Lunven\","
    + " \"email\"    : \"\","
    + " \"color\"    : \"blue\" }", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));

  // Execute Request
  try(CloseableHttpResponse res = httpClient.execute(insertCedrick)) {
    if (201 == res.getCode()) {"[OK] Row inserted");"Returned message: {}", EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity()));
  • Retrieve a row

private static void retrieveRow(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String apiRestEndpoint)
throws Exception {

  // Build Request
  HttpGet rowReq = new HttpGet(apiRestEndpoint + "/v2/keyspaces/"
    + ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE + "/users/Cedrick/Lunven" );
  rowReq.addHeader("X-Cassandra-Token", ASTRA_TOKEN);

  // Execute Request
  try(CloseableHttpResponse res = httpClient.execute(rowReq)) {
    if (200 == res.getCode()) {
      String payload =  EntityUtils.toString(res.getEntity());"[OK] Row retrieved");"Row retrieved : {}", payload);


Using Postman with REST

Postman is a widely-used collaboration platform for API development and testing. Using this third-party tool, you can easily test APIs with environments generated for your test platforms and imported testing collections of API queries.

A Postman collection is available for Astra using the REST API.

Last update: 2022-10-28