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LangChain is a popular and rapidly evolving framework to automate most of the management of, and interaction with, large language models (LLMs): among its features are support for memory, vector-based similarity search, an advanced prompt templating abstraction and much more.

LangChain comes with a Python and a JavaScript implementation. This section targets the Python version.

Reference documentation:

Benefits of LangChain

Essentially, interacting with a LLM amounts to this: some free-form text is sent to it, and the model "responds" by producing other text. That's it.

This is the starting point for a wide variety of tasks, from translations to question answering, from code completion to chatbot assistants, and so on. But how exactly are all those more complex usages constructed out of the simple "text in, text out" building block?

This is where the power of LangChain comes in. The framework makes it easier to manage the handling of typical LLM-oriented tasks such as constructing prompts programmatically, parsing the output back to a structured form, providing memory of past interactions, and so on.

Further, LangChain's modularity means it can work regardless of the actual service providing the core LLM functionality (OpenAI, Google PaLM, Azure OpenAI, AWS SageMaker LLMs ...). LangChain also offers a modular set of abstractions, so that one can stack them on top of each other and design complex LLM applications with minimal boilerplate.

Astra DB + LangChain

There are several tasks that benefit from the Astra integration for LangChain, as there are many different reasons to augment the power of an LLM with the kind of persistent storage Astra DB can offer.

Generally speaking, the Astra integration for LangChain builds on top of the open-source cassIO library, which provides a set of standardized facilities to interact with Astra DB (and Cassandra) through the patterns typically needed by ML/LLM applications. The cassIO library is framework-agnostic: it is in turn used by the Astra-specific extensions of any specific framework (such as LangChain).

The integration takes advantage of Astra DB's Vector Search capabilities, so that it is possible to run advanced LLM workloads, based on semantic similarity, without leaving your Astra DB storage backend.

Usage Examples

The LangChain integration for Astra DB is documented in detail in the LangChain section of the cassIO website, with complete tutorials and sample applications.

Have a look at what this integration enables ... and to learn more, and stay up to date, check out the cassIO homepage!

Question answering

With the help of Vector Search, applications such as natural-language question answering over documents are made easy. Once the input documents are loaded and indexed,

index_creator = VectorstoreIndexCreator(
        'session': session,
        'keyspace': keyspace,

loader = ...

index = index_creator.from_loaders([loader])

a Q&A session is just a single line of code:

index.query("How do I restore a deleted file?", llm=llm)

Vector Store document retrieval from Astra DB in LangChain also support metadata filtering. Check out for more details.


Give LLMs a memory of past interactions stored in an Astra table and leave it to LangChain to retrieve previous exchanges and store the new ones as the conversation proceeds:

message_history = CassandraChatMessageHistory(

cassBuffMemory = ConversationBufferMemory(

conversation = ConversationChain(

conversation.predict(input="Hello, what can you tell me about rainforests?")

The base CassandraChatMessageHistory works as well when you ask LangChain to keep a separate "summary" of the whole past conversation, which is automatically updated and injected into each new interaction:

memory = ConversationSummaryBufferMemory(

summaryConversation = ConversationChain(

Alternatively, you can have a semantically aware memory element, able to pick the most relevant exchanges occurred and make the LLM aware of them regardless of how far back they took place:

cassVStore = Cassandra(

retriever = cassVStore.as_retriever(search_kwargs={'k': 3})

semanticMemory = VectorStoreRetrieverMemory(retriever=retriever)

semanticMemoryTemplateString = ...

memoryPrompt = PromptTemplate(
    input_variables=["history", "input"],

conversationWithVectorRetrieval = ConversationChain(

    input="Do you remember what I told you about rainforests?"


Save on latencies and token costs by using Astra DB as a cache for the responses to frequently-used prompts:

langchain.llm_cache = CassandraCache(

llm("What is the best way to peel a tomato?")       # 1-2 seconds


llm("What is the best way to peel a tomato?")       # milliseconds

You can make the cache semantically-aware as well:

langchain.llm_cache = CassandraSemanticCache(

llm("What is the best way to peel a tomato?")       # 1-2 seconds


llm("Tell me how do I best peel tomatoes.")         # milliseconds

Prompt management

You can attach one or more Astra DB tables to a prompt template, so that at "rendering time" the DB is queried and the relevant values are injected into the prompt with minimal boilerplate:

ctemplate0 = """
You are helpful a tech support chatbot providing assistance to a human user.
The user's name is {user_name}, from this city: {user_city}.

Please provide an answer to the user's question below.

USER: {user_question}

cassPrompt = createCassandraPromptTemplate(
    input_variables=['user_id', 'user_question'],
        # template-variable: (table-name, column-name)
        'user_name': ('users', 'u_name'),
        'user_city': ('users', 'u_city'),


finalPrompt = cassPrompt.format(
    user_question='How do I ...',

Find out more!

You just caught a glimpse of what is possible with LangChain and Astra DB.

Do you want to know more? Visit for full tutorials, setup guides and other resources.

Last update: 2024-04-18